Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We have arrived!

3 flights, a 5 hour layover, and more than 24 hours of traveling later, we are finally in Germany! Wow that was a lot of traveling. I'm not gonna lie, I am pretty sick of airports. We started in Provo, bussed to the Salt Lake airport, flew to the Seattle airport, then to the Amsterdam airport, then finally flew to Hamburg.

It was a pleasant surprise to see my friends from the BYU Volleyball team heading to USC before boarding. For once, I'm going somewhere cooler than them (ha!). The Seattle airport was pretty neat. We had to take a train to the huge food court they have, and of course we had some fine dining there (Wendy's). The worst and best airport was Amsterdam because of how long our layover was but we made up for it by window shopping all the cheeses and chocolates. We sampled some cheese, it was very "Gouda" ;)

By the time we reached Hamburg, everyone was delusional. I thought I was going to die any second. My feet were swollen from flying so much, my head was spinning, it was really a nightmare. But as soon as we started walking around the city, anything bad disappeared. It was so refreshing to see a completely different atmosphere. Everything is different: the weather, crosswalks, street signs, even the toilets. I kind of enjoyed not knowing where I was walking to and not being able to read the directions; scary, but exciting. Our first meal in Germany consisted of bread, random cheese, strawberry milk, and of course, chocolates. Oh the CHOCOLATES!

Our hotel room is so tiny, so European, and so awesome! My roommate Lyndsay and I had to do our workouts on the small space between the window and our beds, on our beds, or against the wall. But all in all it's been a smooth trip and it's gonna get even better tomorrow because we will get a good night's rest and be able to function like normal human beings again. Pictures up tomorrow, and if you want to Skype, add me: ChelseaChen17. Until then, good night! <3

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