Friday, May 11, 2012

Dresden, Germany

I can almost safely say Dresden has been my absolute favorite by far. It was the perfect balance of tourists versus locals. It has the beautiful historic buildings and the history to go along with it. But it doesn't lose the excitement of a tourist spot where everyone is running around like children in a candy store.

To get from our bus stop to the center of the city, we walked through a park that looks like it came out of a movie set. The sun was shining onto a sparkling lake surrounded by the greenest green that only exists in Europe. Then we reach the central square and everyone is in awe because it is breath taking. Just wait for the pictures I took to hit Facebook, it will prove everything I'm saying right now.

Street performers overflow the city but they only add to the classy-ness of the city because they're playing classical music or singing opera in the tunnels. Overall the city is so clean even if it is filled with tourists. We walked around and did the usual sightseeing in the old buildings. Until we reached the Church of the Holy Cross where we lit a prayer candle for fun and climbed the 257 stairs up to the top and overlooked the entire city of Dresden. There's no better way to see Europe than to climb to the top of any church building and look down.

After our physical exercise, we shopped and ate at a market that looks like our farmers markets but I think they're more permanent in their location. Oh my, we ate so many different German goodies. I had Turkish Delight for the first time(not good), if that was what the Snow Queen bribed Edmund with, then he seriously got ripped off. We also ate this snack called Krappelchen (decent) that was basically powdered sugar fried dough. We deemed that it was called Krappelchen because when you ate it, you get "crap" all over your "chin". We also had a dessert I don't know the name of that was a German chocolate cheesecake(very good). But by the end of the day, the best thing to go in my belly was a coke with plenty of caffeine because we just about died from a full day of walking.

We also visited the famous Church of Our Lady which had exquisite details outside and inside the building. The inside is basically covered with gold and had incredible art, architecture, and statues. Around the church, there were so many of those human statues and some of them looked so real, I don't know how they do it.

Dresden was absolutely gorgeous and I can easily spend another week there. So I'm crossing my fingers it won't be long before I get to go back again!

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