Sunday, May 20, 2012


We were surprised with a trip to the Czech Republic to visit Prague! Well it wasn't much of a surprise we saw it coming but it was still exciting to know we would be visiting a fifth country!

The drive over was absolutely gorgeous. The one thing that never ceases to take my breath away is the water everywhere and the green that surrounds it. The Czech Republic felt even more countryside than Germany and it was just perfect.

Prague is ridiculous. It's overwhelmed with tourists, but the more the merrier right? We walked through Wenceslas Square, which is famous for the historical event where some guy lit himself on fire in protest of some conflict (it was really loud when it was explained to us, I couldn't hear a thing!). And the shopping looked to die for. Once again, everyone is sooooo fashionable in Europe. And I can see why, the clothing stores are amazing. It was a really long walk to get to the center of everything but it was worth it because everything just looked so interesting.

Then it was more walking across the Charles Bridge. This bridge is long but full of  statues, street performers, and vendors. It was an adventure just crossing it.

We ate at this cool looking restaurant that used to be a bishop's courthouse...whatever that means. I ate some duck! It was dang good. And of course only in Europe would they serve you two kinds of bread as side dishes.

After lunch, we proceeded to go looking for the way to the Prague castle where we found the entrance to the garden underneath it. It cost two euro to climb up a bunch of stairs and get really hot. But it was beautiful! The view overlooking the city and the architecture was amazing.

Finally, the Prague Castle and cathedral. What can I wow wow wow wow wow. The church is HUGE! My goodness it was beautiful though. The inside was nice and cool which was pleasant after a long grueling walk. The stained glass was unbelievably remarkable. Neither pictures nor words could do it justice so I'll just leave the mystery as an incentive for y'all to go visit on your own. To this day I still don't know exactly what parts were the castle because all I saw were huge, tall, beautiful buildings all around me. But it was a sight to see for sure.

Our last attraction was the astronomical clock striking on the hour and it was REALLY...not a big deal. But the cool thing about it is that it dates back to 1410 and is the oldest working clock in Europe. Legends say that if the clock ever stopped working then bad things would happen to the city...oooh I'd like to see that happen. It strikes every hour on the hour and when it does a guy comes out on the top of the tower and plays the trumpet on each side. Even if it was anticlimactic, it was something that needed to be seen once in a lifetime.

We finished our day eating gelato and trdelnk. Trdelnk is this dough coated in sugar and wrapped around a large stick thing and baked/fried. It's just like a weirdly shaped donut but soooo delicious!

Usually the group sticks to a rule that whenever we have free time, we must stick to a group of 3. There's no limit to how big our group is. It's probably not the best idea to have a big group, but we ended up with a group of 14. We had to create our own count off system. By the end of the day, we didn't lose anybody! Even after splitting up, we still found each other. We were a good group :)

Prague was overwhelming, but it was such a good day. I still have a ton of crown left from that day, I guess it'll be souvenirs now...or just an excuse to go back!

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